The Conference in Detail

The Conference Humanity and Planet Earth -2001 and Beyond
Was held at Melbourne University November 17th - 19th, 1995

Friday - 17 November 1995

1600 - 1800
Registration of Conference Delegates

1800 - 1830
Official Opening

Convener, Dr Michael Ellis, officially opens the conference. There will be a dramatic opening of music by Japetus and Aboriginal performers raising energies and creating peace and harmony.

As we approach the new millennium people are asking about the nature of humanity. Humanity has always been on a quest for realisation, whether it be the form of material satisfaction or inner knowing.

The basic theme of this series is to look at where we have come from and where we are going. It is time to bring humanities and science together and to seek a new world model. We need to understand how our inner values and essence can sustain rather than destroy ourselves and our environment.

1830 - 1845
Sir Mark Oliphant - Openness through Peace

Nuclear physicist and Governor of South Australia from 1971-1976. Father of Australian Science. Foundation President of the Australian Academy of Science. Director of Radar Research WWII. Companion of Order of Australia 1977. Patron Conference Earth.

1845 - 1915
DR Peter Ellyard - Peace Building for the Future

Director "Preferred Futures". Former Director Commission for the Future. He advises and assists governments, government departments and government instrumentalities to prepare themselves and their programmes for the 21st century and to be adaptable in order to meet unforeseen demands. Over the last 20 years he has advised the UN system and more than a dozen developing countries on environmental issues, on sustainable production and development and on environmental legislation. Special Adviser to the Secretary of the UN Earth Summit Conference Panel.
1915 - 1945
DR Michael Ellis - Seeking a New Vision of Humanity

Convener and Founder of Conference Earth. Ten years in General Medical practice after spending six years in hospital medicine where he specialised in pediatrics and general medicine. He has ongoing interest in the doctor-patient relationship and psychoanalysis. An active peace worker since 1971, he has organised several large conferences on peace both in England and Australia.

1945 - 2000

2000 - 2030
Professor David Yencken

Environment, Social Justice and Economics for the Future
President Australian Conservation Foundation, Elisabeth Murdoch Professor of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning, former Head of the School of Environmental Planning at Melbourne University and inaugural Chairman of the Australian Heritage Commission. He has published two books and many articles and has received multiple awards for notable contributions to planning.

2030 - 2100
DR Brian Robinson - The Greening of Industry

Chairman of Environment Protection Authority since 1986. He has overseen the development of innovative policies and practices in environment protection in Victoria over the past decade with an emphasis on integration of environmental, social and economic outcomes. He was the initiator of the Australia Centre for Cleaner Production and a strong advocate of cleaner production as a means of achieving sustainability.

2100 - 2130
Plenary Interactive Discussion with Keynote Panel

2130 - 2145

Conclusion of Day 1

The music and performances of the world-class Australian composer Japetus feature throughout the conference and will be available for sale. He has composed the music and slide show in the Opening Ceremony especially for Conference Earth. Designed to guide the listener through a healing and transforming process, his compositions are perfect for relaxation, meditation, healing and creative visualisation.

Saturday - 18 November 1996

Healing the Individual, Society and the Environment

0900 - 0915


0915 - 1015
DR Rashmi Mayur - The Demise of the Earth

International Environmentalist and Development Export. UN Adviser on Environment and Development. Director Institute for a Sustainable Future, Bombay. He has travelled the world advising and mobilising governments and organisations to bring a new sustainable order to the world. Vice President Conference Earth.

1015 - 1030
Morning Tea

1030 - 1200

New Economics

Theatre B
Business Ethics & Environment
Ms Chris Johnston & Ms Jame MacDiarmid
Alternative Small Business Association

Creating sustainable societies will mean fundamental changes in how we do business. What are the models for the future, and is business willing to change ? Chris Johnson is a social environmental planner, who runs her own consultancy in strategic planning and policy development. Jane MacDiarmid is an Enterprise Counselor, specialising in assisting business people to develop their business in an ethical manner.

Public Lecture Theatre
Geonomics - Harmonising Economics and Ecology
Mr Karl Williams and Mr Bryan Kavanagh

A computer generated slide show presentation based on the booklet The Recovery Myth documenting the mindless real estate binge of the 1980s and its historical context. If we are to seriously address our significant social, environmental and economic problems, we have to consider placing more emphasis on revenues from natural resource "rents" and less on employment. Karl Williams is President of Tax Reform Australia and Bryan Kavanagh is a member of the Land Values Research Group and author of The Recovery Myth : A Positive Response.

Theatre C
Futures - Culture, Environment & Technology
Values and Visions : Western Culture and Humanity's Future
Richard Eckersley

Richard Eckersley is a senior specialist in strategic analysis with CSIRO, Australian national scientific research organisation. He is the author of several major reports for CSIRO and the Australian Commission for the Future on youth, science and technology, culture and the environment. He recently directed an Australian Science and Technology Council on youth views of probable and preferred futures for Australia in 2010.

Theatre D
Sustainable Architecture
Andreas Sederof

A discussion of environmentally relevant buildings that are energy efficient, have totally recyclable waste systems, use natural materials and work in harmony with the local terrain. The vital challenge for the future is to effectively balance architecture's conflicting requirements to become environmentally responsive. Andreas Sederof, Director Sunpower Design Pty Limited, 1994 Winners of the Master Builders Award for the Most Energy Efficient Home. Sunpower Design is an industry leader in solar efficient design, environmentally sustainable design and building technology.

Theatre E
Healing and Relationships
Holistic Health for the Whole Person - Nutrition and Environment
Professor Avni Sali

Professor Avni Sali ACNEM (Australian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine) is a Clinical Associate Professor with the University of Melbourne Department of Surgery. He is one of the world's leading gastrointestinal surgeons. A world expert on studies relating to cancer and nutrition, meditation and the promotion of better health, he is concerned with community education. He is on the Boards of the College of Nutrition and Environmental Medicine, Gawler Foundation and the Integrative Medicine Association.

The New Medical Model
The Joining of Conventional and Holistic Healing
The Role of Nutrition, Herbs and Vitamins
DR Ian Brighthope

DR Ian Brighthope, President ACNEM, specialises in Nutritional and Environmental Medicine. He is concerned with the unbiaised dissemination of information on nutrition to the medical profession. Author of 5 books and pioneer of the first post-graduate medical course in Nutrition in Australia. He is a Fellow of several nutritional organisations.

1200 - 1220

1220 - 1300
Plenary Interactive Discussion with Keynote Panel

1300 - 1400

1400 - 1530
Richard Underwood - The Biosphere - The View from Space

Managing Director Space Panorama. International NASA Consultant on Space Photography. Presidential Medal of Freedom, Apollo 13 Operations. He has provided photographic training to every US Astronaut and has written and presented many technical papers in photoscience, photogrammetry, remote sensing and aerospace technology. His presentation will include a selection of slides showing the environmental effects of man on planet Earth, observable from space.

1530 - 1545

1545 - 1715

Science and ConsciousnessNew Healing Methods, New Ways of Viewing Ourselves and Healing with Energy

Theatre B
Aspects of Dolphin Therapy
Mr Steven Birch and DR Marc Cohen

A discussion of current research endeavouring to correlate incoming dolphin bisonar signal frequencies and brainwave modification observed in humans exposed to contact with dolphins. The diverse applications of dolphin assisted therapy indicate the development of a more integrative, holistic approach to health and well being.

Steven Birch works in the Department of Comp. Systems Engineering, Monash University jointly with "Vibrational Medicine: Providing the Information for Healing". DR Marc Cohen focuses on acupuncture, homeophathy and mind-body medicine and considers these modalities as providing specific informational inputs that stimulate the body's own inherent homeostatic and healing mechanisms. Discussion includes integrative approach and modern medicine information theory. DR Cohen has studied Traditional Chinese Medicine extensively. He is a Fellow of the Australian Medical Acupuncture Society (AMAS) and has set up the first teaching program in acupuncture and complementary medicine to Australian medical undergraduates at Monash University. Currently PhD student, Monash University, studying the electromagnetic basis of acupunctyre.

Theatre C
Vibrational Breath Therapy
Sri Bala Ratnam

An experimental talk on healing through pure energy utilising yogic breathing techniques and chanting of the primordial sound "A - U - M". Sri Bala Ratnam is a Sri Lankan-born Yoga Therapist who claims his programs have helped many people to heal themselves of serious stress-related / immune-system deficient diseases, such as cancer, asthma and depression. He conforms to a rigorous daily yogic program and in 1973 was awarded a gold medal for Yoga Therapy by the Indian Board of Alternative Medicines at Calcuta, India.

Room 204
Vibrational Healing
Eric Dowsett

Workshop designed to guide participants into a greater awareness of their total environment. Using dowsing as a tool, Eric Dowsett will demonstrate how to locate areas of Geopathic stress, disturbing Technological fields and areas of Metaphysical disturbance. Eric Dowsett, as a Personal and Environmental Energy Consultant, has developed his understanding to a point where one's perception of his environment is of fundamental importance. He uses a personal de-limiting process in his teaching style and approach to private consultations.

Education and Communication

Theatre D
The Challenge of Education - Individual and Societal Possibilities
DR Bill Hampel

· building a new masculine identify
· a return to democratic social action for a livable city
· countering economic rationalism, the new fundamentalism
· teacher neutrality or ethical partiality ?

The social and psychological adaptation of our youth to the future. DR Hampel, who is a senior lecturer at Melbourne University, has conducted research in multiculturalism. His most recent work examined the correlates of adolescent environmental concern in six Victorian secondary schools. Currently he is active in the establishment of the Kingston Conservation and Environment Coalition.

Creative Aspects Within - Individual Possibilities and Prospects
DR Erica Frydenberg

DR Frydenberg is a senior lecturer at Melbourne University. Since 1970 she has worked in the Victorian Ministry of Education as a consultant psychologist (clinical and educational) with a particular interest in systems and family therapy.

Environment and Resources

Theatre E
Integrating our Humanness and our Consciousness with the Environment
Mr Frank Fisher, Professor Mike Webber and DR Sharon Pfueller

A discussion exploring practical approaches by which individuals can, through community action and support, reconstruct their relationship to the natural world through involvement and action. Mr Frank Fisher is an Expert on Deep Ecology and Head of Graduate School of Environmental Science, Monash University. Some 80 articles published locally and overseas. He is interested in theory and practice of social construction; especially of environmental dislocation, energy and information use, waste management and disability. Professor Mike Webber is the Chair of the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Melbourne University; Past President of the Institute of Australian Geographers and Fellow, Academy of Social Sciences in Australia. He is the author of half a dozen books and over sixty papers on urban and industrial development, growth and change in the Asian newly industrialised economies and environmental politics and management.

DR Sharon Pfueller is a Lecturer in the Graduate School of Environmental Science, Monash University. She has a particular interest in pathways for increasing environmental understanding and commitment of communities through participatory planning and action programs.

Public Theatre
The Information Highway Explosion
DR Adrian Vanzyl

DR Vanzyl, a practicing General Practitioner, is a lecturer in Medical Informatics at Monash University, as well as a PhD candidate there. He is the director of InfoWeb, Internet consultants for the medical and legal professions, and has published numerous papers and abstracts on the role of the Internet. His major interest is in the publication and navigation of massive electronically accessible information bases, particularly for physicians and clinical researchers.

1715 - 1745
Plenary Interactive Discussion with Keynote Panel

1745 - 1800

Conclusion of Day 2

Sunday - 19 November 1995

Healing the Individual, Society and the Environment

0900 - 0915

0915 - 1015
DR James Hurtak - New Ecological and Energy Frontiers of the Third Millennium

Futurist and Social Scientist, Executive Director for the Academy of Future Science. Former Professor California State University. Expert in Advanced Applications, Optics and Remote Sensing. A prolific writer, he holds Doctorates in Linguistics, Social Science and Philosophy. How is it that humanity's greatest leap forward in material prosperity has come to endanger the conditions that allow life to exist on planet Earth ? To create ecologically sustainable societies we must reorient our efforts in the fields of energy and technology. Focus will be on new technologies and the new image of man beginning with the testimony of indigenous people of Mexico and Brazil and concluding with space technology.

1015 - 1030
Morning Tea

1030 - 1100
DR James Hurtak - continuation

1100 - 1010
Stretching Break

1110 - 1240

Social Development

Theatre B
Gender and Integration
Ms Nalini Kasynathan & Ms Jane Gronow
Community Aid Abroad

Areas to be covered include: 1. Learning from the developing world; 2. Trade; 3. Intellectual property rights; 4. Gender and development; and 5. The Indigenous Program at CAA. Nalini Kasynathan is a Program Officer of the South Asia Overseas and Aboriginal Program Section, CAA. She is a founding member of the Women's Caucus and the Gender Working Group that examines the role of gender in CAA's overseas programme. Jane Gronow, Regional Manager, Pacific Rim, CAA is committed to the issues of improving women's role in development, conflict resolution and violence against women.

Environment and Society

Theatre C
Exploring Visions of a Healthy Future through the Attributes of an Ecological Self
Ms Diane Lacroix

Envisioning a healthy future on three levels: social / professional, personal and the natural environment. Through group discussions and collective reflections, the participants will formulate and express visions of a future based on the interconnected attributes of an ecological self: simplicity, connectedness and reciprocity. Diane Lacroix is the Naitonal Education Coordinator, Nursing the Environment.

Public Lecture Theatre
Muraroa Atoll
Laura Fildes, Greenpeace

A discussion on Greenpeace's global campaign opposing nuclear weapons, their testing and the resulting environmental devastation. Greenpeace's ethic is not only to personally bear witness to atrocities against life; it is to take direct non-violent action to prevent them. Laura Fildes is the Greenspeak Coordinator for Greenpeace Victoria and talks to many schools, universities, conferences, community groups and workshops.

Theatre D
Preserving our Wilderness and our Genetic Heritage
The Pros and Cons of Genetic Engineering
Bob Phelps, Emeritus Professor Nancy Millis, MBE and Nicholas Tonti
Bob Phelps is the coordinator of the Australian Genethics Network, which aims to promote discussion and debate about issues to do with the new technology of genetic engineering and also to increase public awareness of these issues. Genetic engineering must consider social, environmental and ethical issues. Emeritus Professor Nancy Millis, MBE is Chair of Genetic Manipulation Advisory Committee, Chancellor of La Trobe University, former Director of Melbourne Water, Chair, Board CRC Water Quality and Treatment and past President of the Australian Society for Microbiology. Mr Nicholas Tonti-Filippinni is a philosopher and biothicist, who is currently a doctoral candidate at Melbourne University. A consultant ethicist in private practice, his major interest is in health care ethics.

Healing the Wounded Family

Theatre E
The Challenge of Social Disintegration
Tom Paterson, Anne Boscutti and Susan Barton

A belief in the development of self in all forms of relationships stems from CO-individualism where each provides support for the other's development. Tom Paterson is a social worker, psychologist and family therapist, Bouverie Family Therapy Centre. He is past President Victorian Association of Family Therapists, senior lecturer Family Therapy, La Trobe University, and began working in family therapy with the Brotherhood of St Laurence, then as Deputy Director of the Marriage Guidance Council. He is responsible for implementing the first Graduate Course in family therapy at La Trobe University. Anne Boscutti is a social worker and a HARP Project Worker. She has just completed a significant report on outreach services to homeless youths. Susan Barton is the founder of Lighthouse Foundation which provides long-term accommodation for homeless young people.

1240 - 1340

1340 - 1400
Plenary Interactive Discussion with Keynote Panel

1400 - 1410
Stretching Break

1410 - 1510
Phil Noyce - Environmental Management of Tomorrow's Cities

Director of Global 500 Forum (a UNEP forum). Deputy Director, Commission for the Future. Member, Board of Directors, The Climate Institute, Washington. Founding Editor In Future magazine and Global 500 Forum newsletter. Fluent in 4 languages. The Global 500 Forum is dedicated to promoting a network of allies assisting UNEP in the care and maintenance of the environment of our planet, providing advice to UNEP on environmental projects and issues, and stimulating broader community action on environmental protection and sustainable development.

1510 - 1530

1530 - 1715

Medicine & Nutrition

Theatre B
Instinctive Nutrition
Helen Young

Instinctive Nutrition is the new, fascinating and highly effective way of eating, as evidenced by 30 years of research in science and biophysics, showing that the body can instinctively tell us what it needs to eat to detoxify, shed fat, rejuvenate tissue and maintain health. Helen Young, Accord Lifestyle Management, is the author of Instinctive Nutrition: Food, your Body and You, and has extensive experience in both orthodox medicine and natural health.

Environment & Society

Theatre C
There is no Energy Shortage, There is no Energy Crisis,
There is a Crisis of Ignorance !
Julian Rodaro

(Quoted from R Buckminster Fuller). The late R Buckminster Fuller proposed interconnecting regional power systems into a single continuous global electrical energy grid. Its stated purpose is to make the world work for 100% of humanity in the shortest possible time through spontaneous cooperation without ecological damage or the disadvantage of anyone. Julian Rodaro has represented Global Energy Network International (GENI) in numerous presentations to various groups and is also an educator in secondary colleges on motivation, self esteem and the future of business, and on environmental issues.

Medicine & Nutrition

Theatre E
Handling Stress during Massive Transformation of Society

IMA - The Integrative Medicine Association upholds and works from the principle of whole person care. DR Margaret Ngu is a General Practitioner who uses counseling, stress management and lifestyle techniques in her own practice. She is a board member of the Australian College of Mind Body Medicine (ACOMBM) as well as of the IMA. DR David Wignall focuses on the role of the emotions and stress in illness, health and healing in his medical practice. He is President ACOMBM and editor of The New Physician. DR Craig Hassed is a Senior Lecturer in the Monash Department of Community Medicine and a General Practitioner. He teaches stress management meditation, mind-body medicine and medical ethics.


Room 204
Opening the Cosmic Hearth - Creating a New World Through a
Personal Shift in Consciousness
Sherrill Sellman

Sherrill Sellman is an internationally acknowledged lecturer, author, seminar leader and trainer, specialising in the field of human resource development. She is also a psychotherapist and maintains a successful private practice, as well as being co-founder of the Quantum Process, an outgrowth from quantum physics focusing on renewal of mind and body.

Public Lecture
The Dream of a Ridiculous Man
A play performed by Chris Connelly, adapted from Dostoevsky
DR Nirmala Kajaria

This streetwise play takes us on a spellbinding journey. Creative and imaginative, humour and pathos, go hand in hand. Edinburgh Evening News. Chris Connely has worked with and devised productions for refugees, street kids, people from third world countries, teachers and creative artists. His versatility has gained him many diverse roles in Australia and abroad. DR Nirmala Kajaria, Director of Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Meditation Centres. She has spoken at and participated in numerous peace and environmental conferences around the world. From 1988-91, she was National Coordinator of Global Cooperation for a Better World, an International Peace Messenger Initiative which involved people from 119 countries.

1515 - 1815
Video of DR Willis Harman - Awakening True Nature of Humanity

President of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, California, a 50,000 member research and education organisation, founded by Edgar Mitchell - Apollo 14 Astronaut. Emeritus Professor, Engineering-Economics Systems, Stanford University. Expert in Communications Theory, Futures Research and Humanistic Psychology. Author of numerous texts, papers and books.

1815 - 1845
Plenary Interactive Discussion with Keynote Panel

1845 - 1900

New Vision of Humanity

Conclusion of Conference


(The Conference in Detail)

© 1989-1999 to DR Michael Ellis