Curriculum Vitae of Executive 1995


SIR MARK OLIPHANT (Deceased) AC, KB, FRS, MA, PhD, Cantab, DSc, LLD, FAA

  • Conference Patron
  • Elder statesman of Australian Science
  • Founding father of Australian National University (A.N.U.)
  • First president of the Australian Academy of Science, 1954
  • Former President of the Australian Conservation Foundation
  • KBE, 1959
  • Companion of the Order of Australia, 1977

Governor of South Australia 1963 - 1968

Sir Mark Oliphant was born in Adelaide, South Australia, in 1901 and educated at Unley and Adelaide High Schools and the University of South Australia. In his long scientific career he has been concerned primarily with the fundamental nature of matter.

A decisive event in his early life was winning in 1927 the 1851 Exhibition to Trinity College, Cambridge, where he became a student in the Cavendish Laboratory under the famed New Zealand physicist, Ernest Rutherford. He was appointed Assistant Director for Research at the Cavendish in 1935.

In 1937 he became a Fellow of the Royal Society of London and in 1938 took up an appointment as Poynting Professor of Physics at the University of Birmingham, where he began research related to the development of radar and the utilisation of nuclear energy.

He left Birmingham in 1942 to join the Manhattan Project team developing the atom bomb, and returned there at the end of World War II to work on the building of the proton synchrotron.

In 1948 he was appointed first Director of the Research School of Physical Sciences at the Australian National University, a post that he took up in 1950. Oliphant was also closely involved in the founding of the Australian Academy of Science, and in 1954 he became its first President. The Academy has played a major role in Australian science in recent years, advising the Commonwealth government, providing a meeting place and a forum for scientists and liaising with international scientific unions. In 1959 he was created a KBE.

Founder Centre for Change & Conference Earth

Fifteen years in general practice.

Current research fellow Department of Intergrated Medicine, Swinburne University
Specialising in Brain Longevity and preventative and nutritional medicine.

Fifteen years in General Medical practice after spending six years in hospital medicine where he specialised in pediatrics and general medicine.

1974 Obtained the MRCP (United Kingdom) the specialist qualification in medicine

1973 Began study of Comparative Religion and Psychosomatic Medicine
Studied in Balint Seminars for two years

1976 Became a member of the Balint Society, a society of doctors devoted to studying and understanding the doctor-patient relationship

1971-76 Studied Freudian psychoanalysis

1977 Presented a paper to the International Balint Seminar at Imperial College, London on the "Concept of Value in General Practice"

1981 Became a member of the Humanistic Potential Project sponsored by the British Post-Graduate Medical Federation
Obtained BA Degree in Open University Humanities

1982 Extended to BA (Hons) in Social Psychology and Theatre

1986 Placed in Executive Committee of MAPW (Medical Association for the Prevention of War) Chairman of Workshop of Medical Ethics and the Responsibility of the Medical and Scientific Community at the second European Symposium of IPPNW (International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War) held in Madrid.

1987 Co-founded the Renaissance Group with Roy Ridgway and established the group in both Australia and the U.K. The group has numerous distinguished patrons and supporters

1989 Founded Conference Earth - The Decade of Action Series of Conferences. to be held in Australia 1995 - 2005. In 1995 convened and organised the conference Humanity and Planet Earth- 2001 & Beyond at University of Melbourne. Keynote Speaker

1998 Founded Centre For Change and initiated planning for Mindquest Conferences

Involved in Yoga and various forms of meditation and humanistic psychology. Written many articles for medical and non-medical magazines of health and related matters, meditation, yoga, Buddhism, comparative religion, ecology and world peace.

Since 1983 he has lived in both England and Australia, practicing general medicine as well as holistic and allopathic medicine. Has travelled extensively throughout the world including Japan and most of the European countries.

Active peace worker since 1971. Has organised several large conferences on peace both in England and Australia.


(Curriculum Vitae of Executive 1995)

© 1989-1999 to Dr Michael Ellis