

The conference Earth process, now renamed the Centre of Change - Center For Transformation,
Was established in Melbourne in 1989. It began with Dr Michael Ellis and Ms Jager Ellison, with the support of Sir Mark Oliphant who were committed to organizing a decade of action series of conferences aimed at developing and bringing to the public attention new ways of thinking and new technologies which can help create a sustainable future for humanity.

The Center has been formed to support the generation of ideas and new ways of thinking through interactive seminars and functions.

The first activity was the conference Humanity and Planet Earth - 2001 and Beyond, held at the university of Melbourne in November 1995. It had 10 international keynote speakers, 50 workshop leaders and was attended by 250 delegates. The focus of the conference was looking at ways of creating a sustainable environment and seeking solutions to the problem of social disintegration.

The Center has achieved through this initial conference, a reputation as a forward looking international forum dedicated to advancement of human though and technology through openness of dialogue and powerful "think-tanks". Conference earth, now Centre for Change in the 3rd Millennium is already known throughout the world and has the support of many futures, peace and environmental organizations.

Centre for Change in the 3rd Millennium sees its role not simply as organizing conferences, but also promoting ideas, educational and environmental technology and products and specifically enhancing new ways of thinking and being which can transform ourselves in order to create a more sustainable, caring cooperative world.

"People travel to wonder at the height of mountains, at the huge waves of the sea, at the long courses of rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motion of the stars, and they pass themselves by without wondering" - St Augustine.


During the last few decades, a radical change has occurred in humanity's awareness of itself. In simple terms, we have, over the millennia, translated ourselves from "ones to alones". The truth is that all life on the planet is connected. This newly acquired state of aloneness and alienation causes considerable discomfort. The Centre attempts to understand what we have become and illuminates our future potential.

Our self-reflective consciousness and our inextricable with all phenomena give us the opportunity to develop
Ourselves and our environment. We can then become more integrated within ourselves and express deeply positive human values and virtues

The vision of The Centre is to contribute towards the creation of planetary Peace Culture looking to life and common humanism as the core values for a
Sustainable society. It will be expressed as a series of conference calls for spiritual, ecological and holistic worldviews, derived from perceptions of connectedness and interdependence.

We are recruiting people from commerce, primary and secondary industry, who will deliver presentations aimed to act as a catalyst to energise the global community to develop "new ways". We believe this process can contribute to reversing the social, spiritual and ecological degradation of planet Earth.

The essence of a sustainable future lies in the quality of the individual and their positive contribution to society. Optimalism of health and lifestyle for every person is the key to our future.

"I have seen the truth. It is not as though I had invented it with my mind. I have seen it, seen it, and the living image of it has filled my soul forever …In one day, one hour, everything could be arranged as one. The chief thing is to love." - Dostoyevski


The Centre is dedicated to creating a world model which promotes:

  1. Innovative education for the community to enhance global thinking, creative vision, and inspiration.
  2. A network of signatories of key organizations, professionals and people around the planet is the only way we can create the body of opinion to develop this council which will be truly a representation of the people and not of politicians. This is why we wish to reach out to significant individuals and peace organizations around the world to vote for a planetary transnational peace.
  3. Three major events in Australia over the next five years include: *The Search of the Self of Humanity Conference - Mindquest March 2001. *Concert of Love - 2003. * Confest - The Planet Earth - Our Key to the Future 2005.
  4. Financial - The raising of funds to implement the foregoing initiatives. The Association is currently funded by its founder. It is estimated that approximately $A50,000 would be needed to seed the objectives outlined above and to bring about the operation of the Association as a viable and ongoing concern.
  5. Gives every person an opportunity to create a lifestyle to enhance an optimal and vigorous old age.
  6. Addresses the Global Environment Problem directly and implements solutions and aid strategies in ways which governments cannot.
  7. The creation of a global council of elders, who through their wisdom and apolitical nature can help charter a course for space ship Earth as we navigate a global crisis of immense proportions. It is only with openness of dialogue, through men and woman of good will that we can find a way out of global impasse which could lead us back into the dark ages.



© 1989-2002 to DR Michael Ellis