What's Happening?

Discussion Panel


During the last few decades, a radical change has occurred in humanity's awareness of itself. In simple terms we have over the millennia, translated ourselves from ones to aloneness. The truth is that al life on the planet is connected. This newly acquired state of aloneness and alienation causes considerable discomfort. This discussion aims to understand what we have become and illustrate our future potential.

The wide genetic diversity of species of flora and fauna are being destroyed rapidly. Similarly, the indigenous peoples of the world are under threat and we stand to lose the ancient wisdom of their cultures. The repositories of knowledge and experience of deeply held spiritual traditions can give us significant insights into solving a stricken biosphere and a deeper understanding of who we are and our place in the history of humanity and the universe.

Can a new science be created which integrates the mind and consciousness with the whole phenomenon of life, nature and human productiveness and technology? Can we convince ourselves of the imminence of divinity and sacredness in each individual human life on the planet and also of the sacredness implicit within life and our natural environment?

Dr Michael Ellis

To join our discussion group contact centreforchange@ozemail.com.au


The Critical Mass Seminar


Sue Barton gave her experience in the developing world where a child was dying and she asked the doctor if she could nurse the child in her arms while it died. It was this experience of being profoundly shocked by this child dying in her arms and realising that it could be her own child gave her the sudden realisation that yes it was her child and she needed to do something about this because she did not want this powerlessness to occur for her again. The realisation then was that every child should have that powerful love and protection from an overarching family. Sue went out of her way to create this family which she has done so successfully in her Lighthouse Foundation.

"Knowing is not enough, you also have to act". "We are so overwhelmed with information these days that it is part of the systems way of trying to disempower us and imply that we cannot do anything. My opposition to technology and society and the way it all operates is because I was born in the shadow of the bomb. The most destructive thing in the world can be visited on people without us knowing anything about it. Science is a weapon of policy making and allows politicians to justify many things. The fact is that most of the technology that we use is probably dreamed up in the military science laboratories."

Bob Phelps.

Medical treatment in the allopathic operative sense is the third commonest cause of mortality and morbidity in our society. People are desperate for love and there is a lack of psycho-social support generally within the community. Doctors taking on the role of Priest cannot really function in this way because they have not the time.

Dr Michael Ellis
