Critical Mass Seminar

Critical Mass Seminars and Discussions


Critical Mass
The Decade of Action Conference Series

Upcoming CONFERENCE on Economics, Sustainability and Spirituality

Hear experts and authorities discuss a sustainable future for humanity
Find out how we can create a new vision for humanity
Help construct a report for a sustainable future which can be circulated around the world




We currently live in very dangerous times. There is not only vast inequity between the developed and developing world, there is also a general poverty of spirit. We are suffering sever environmental degradation and the irreversible destruction of living and nonliving resources as well as the most massive extinction of biodiversity since the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago!

We are a species out of control.

Recently the keepers of the Doomsday clock, sighting worries over lagging armament efforts, the security of existing stockpiles and terrorism advanced its hands nearer to the midnight hour symbolizing the possibility of a nuclear weapons conflict. This is the closest its been since the end of the Cold War.

Despite the Cold War ending in 1989 both Russia and America each still have 3,000 nuclear missiles, 6,000 in total on hair-trigger alert pointed at 240 major metropolitan areas in the northern hemisphere.

President Bush wishes to spend $3.5 trillion in the next ten years on the US military.

Dr Helen Caldicott, the brilliant pediatrician and author of many books on the nuclear problem and founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility has stated that the Earth is acutely ill. We are in the intensive care unit. She also stated that the cause of the nuclear race and the Star Wars and all the

The majority of the population is also in blissful ignorance that nuclear weapons are still in existence let alone in the highest state of alert ever. 6.5 billion beings are still at risk from nuclear Armageddon and they don’t even realise it. murder and violence is man’s psyche.

In this respect I believe that the Consciousness which enables us to understand the true nature of reality and the true nature of the universe and which is part of the perennial and spiritual tradition can enable us to overcome our current exploitation of the environment and ourselves and our inhumanity to each other.

One of the most misused and maligned factors on this planet is in fact the human mind. We do not give enough value to the significance to the human psyche nor do we understand the nature of human consciousness. It is only in the past forty years that understanding the brain and its biofeedback role in connection to the body has come into view in the speciality - psychoneuroimmunology (PNI).

Social imprinting and brain entrainment occurs in the first 12 months of life when the whole of the cerebral cortex is reshaped and half of the neurons are lost. It is in this Milieu that the future personality evolves which is to be the “productive” member of society. Shaping the brain has a powerful emphasis on the developing human psyche.

We have great problems in our world in terms of young people who often feel hopelessly depressed about the future because intimately and intuitively they are aware of the profound threats to their survival. They are brought up on a diet of violence and with parents who are concerned about acquisition of material objects rather than good parental care.

Parental care is often handed out to kindergartens and school factories rather than the parents taking responsibility for their children. There is also the loss of extended family.

It has been found that children who have been brought up with grandparents have a much greater opportunity of being successful in their lives. Early parenting has a tremendous affect on future illness.

Our future in our global society is determined by our future generations.
The rapaciousness of our society and its constant need for consumerism and material wealth means that the children are not being listened to. This creates feelings of lack of self esteem, lack of self care, feelings of worthlessness in our adolescence. Australia has the highest rate of juvenile suicide in the world.

Peoples infantile desires are also exploited by large transnational corporations and for political motives and this only weakens the fabric of society to create within the context of the human species a huge cauldron of anger and aggression which is now fuelling itself into the current crisis we are seeing around us. We are seeing this in humanity not only in terms of world conflicts but in terms of the way people react to each other on a daily basis. This is because we are losing our values and the real nature of who we are.

We have to know that human beings have the birthright of happiness and fulfillment based on creativity and higher consciousness. .

Dr Michael Ellis © 2004

Our institutions and values are being embarrassed in discovery that they are contradicted by

  1. the systems theory of a conjoint evolution or unfolding of mind and matter
  2. the interconnectedness, interdependence and interaction of ourselves with each other and the world around us

Will we move ahead on the basis of this knowledge that we have uncovered? - Enlivening and enhancing the critical mass; or
Will this knowledge be suppressed in order to maintain the old paradigm and the old world view and its institutions?

Our Speakers have included:

Ms Sue Barton
Founder, CEO and Primary Carer, The Lighthouse Foundation dedicated to empowering people to take responsibility for their own lives

Dr Ian Brighthope
President, Australian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine

Dr. Sarah Crome
Resident Psychologist, Lighthouse Foundation, writer & former Research Consultant & Advisor, State Govt

Dr. Michael Ellis
Founder and Chairman, Centre for Change
Medical practitioner and peace worker

Dr Bob Phelps
Founder and Chairman of the Geneethics Network, Educator, environmental campaigner and policy analyst

Prof. Avni Sali
Head of Graduate School of Medicine, Swinburne University

Dr Desmond Berghofer
Educator, author and consultant on leadership and the creative management of change. From 1977-88 he was Assistant Deputy Minister of Advanced Education with the Government of Alberta

Patricia Caswell
Former Head Department Globalisation RMIT

David Spratt
Founder Victoria Peace Network Victoria Australia

Professor Marc Cohen
Head of Department Complimentary Medicine RMIT


© 1989-2002 to Dr Michael Ellis